The sky is grey

God förmiddag, här sitter jag och äter kiwi, gud vad gott det är, nyttigt också mums. Idag är det städdag här hemma, städa upp julstöket, vi har ju inte varit hemma något än knappt sedan dagen innan julafton. Så nu blir det städa fint inför nyår. Finns inte så mycket annat att göra en gråmulig dag.

Aroma Swimwear


I am designer of bikini and swimwear, we gonna have a fashion show soon in a famous night club in Gothenburg, and looking for girls who may have interest to be model.

this work is volunteer and models can have their pictures as their portfolio and for future work and may meet people from fashion and modeling industry.

Models get free entrance and 2 free tickets for two friends.

if you were interested please contact me for further info.

That'd be so great if you could tell your friends whom may have interest.

Please take a look at my designs here:

Thank you.

2012-05-06 @ 21:38:49

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